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Huntsville, Montgomery, Tuscaloosa

In August of 2022, I had the opportunity to join Dr. Chandra Clark and Dr. Laura Myers from the University of Alabama at my first Alabama Resilience Summit held in Huntsville. This summit focused on weather preparedness tools and the COVID-19 response throughout North Alabama. Bob Baron, of Baron Critical Weather Institute, spoke about using new technology to put eyes on the sky all across the state by partnering with ALGO to use interstate cameras for weather purposes. Baron also discussed the importance of getting high-density weather nets in every Alabama county and encouraging all public safety personnel to familiarize themselves with the Alabama Saf-T-Net app. Other speakers included Claire Aiello with the Huntsville Chamber of Commerce, Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle, Madison Mayor Paul Finley, the city of Huntsville's communications director Kelly Schrimsher, and Madison County chairman Dale Strong. These speakers focused on the COVID-19 response throughout Madison and Huntsville, and discussed what went right, what went wrong and what we can do better as public safety officials in a future event.


In January 2023, I also attended the Alabama Resilience Summit in Montgomery where I assisted in taking photos and videography to document the speakers and discussion. As the Tuscaloosa EMA prepared to host the August 2023 Summit, I helped in the planning of the organization and content through my internship. I also took photos at the events for the coordinators for them to use in documenting the event. 

Huntsville Summit Agenda:

Montgomery Summit Agenda:

Tuscaloosa Summit Agenda:

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