APR 419, concepting and implementation, was an upper-level public relations elective course that I decided to blindly take. I don't think anyone in our class know what they were signing up for, but we can all confidently say we are better off for being in the class.
To begin the semester, our class was split into two separate groups. Each group was tasked with planning an event to raise money for our nonprofit client, Secret Meals for Hungry Children, through the Alabama Credit Union. Our group eventually decided on a bingo event at Innisfree Irish Pub in Tuscaloosa. The planning process was not easy, but we were so proud of our final product and our final numbers. We secured numerous sponsorships and partnerships in the community to help make this night happen.
I was on our group's accounting team, which meant I kept up with all sponsorships, ticket purchases and donations through Venmo. I switched my personal Venmo account over to our "Luck of The Draw" Venmo, in order to keep up with our brand identity. We had a very strong visual identity, playing off the Irish theme of Innisfree and we wanted to keep that consistent through all avenues of communication.
My team members and myself worked tirelessly on all aspects of this campaign, but it would not have been possible without our instructor, Susan Daria. She brought so much knowledge and passion to the classroom, that it made us want to work hard to make a product she would be proud of. This class gave me the most real world experience I have had thus far in my academic career. We were given some instructions and turned loose to create a product and brand for a good cause in my hometown.
Our final total raised was $5,180, which is enough to feed 37 children every weekend for an entire school year. This class and the product my teammates and myself created is the proudest academic experience I've had.